Every four years those of us in the world of health care wait to see what a new administration might bring our way. Where the Biden administration has many things on its wish list, two things we can expect to come down the pike actually have bipartisan support (yes, it does still happen once in a while!)
Value based care is a payment model that has been “in the works” since the Obama administration. Though President Trump took a different approach than either the Obama or Biden administrations, all three presidents expressed strong support for a move to shifting the risk to providers through some sort of capitation payment system. As the cost of health care becomes an ever increasingly large part of the Federal government’s budget, the push for value-based care continues to gain momentum. While the details of the model may change, it is safe to say the move to value-based care has begun.
Another area of health policy that has garnered a great deal of support from both sides of the aisle is the expansion of telehealth. The golden lining of the pandemic, if there is one, is the fact the forced use of telehealth operated as a sort of “proof of concept” showing how well telehealth works as a way to provide care, and how well it is received by both patients and the provider community. The expectation is the waivers currently in place will be extended as Congress gathers the data and information it needs to be assured on issues of quality, cost, effectiveness and potential fraud. Telehealth has proven to be a very valuable platform for providing health care services, and it appeals to all aspects of the political spectrum.
Congress doesn’t agree on much, but both value based care, and expanded use of telehealth are things all sides seem to be able to get behind.